Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy [REBT]
What is REBT? It is the first form of cognitive-behavior therapy and was developed by Albert Ellis,Ph.D. in the mid 1950's. It is not based on trying to trace a person's anger, anxiety, or depression back to their origins in the past but on teaching people how to think in ways that reduce or eliminate such dysfunctional and uncomfortable emotions and behavior. The REBT therapist is rarely interested in how or when or from where you learned to think and feel that you are no good. She or he is only interested in discovering how to help you stop believing that you are no good.
The REBT therapist and/or literature will teach you how to discover, challenge, and overcome the irrational and self-defeating beliefs and thinking which makes you feel depressed, anxious, angry, ashamed, inferior, jealous or that makes you think that you have to rely on alcohol, drugs, or engaging in other kinds of self-destructive behaviors in order to cope with the situations which occur in the course of your life.
In Beat Your Addiction we explain the ABC's of how your feelings are created. It is, simply stated (it's easy because it is simple), A is the Activating event, the stimulus, what happens to you. B is your Belief about A, what you think and tell or say to yourself privately in your mind when A occurs. C includes the emotional and behavioral Consequences of telling yourself B about A. People typically think that A causes C as in "I'm angry at you because you lied to me". But actually A is only an indirect cause of C. B is the direct cause. In this case, B would be something like "You shouldn't have lied to me!" or, "You had no right to lie to me!" If instead, the B I had told myself would have been something like, "I wish you wouldn't have lied to me," or, "It would have been nice (or, "It would have been better..." or, "I would have liked it...") if you had told me the truth", I would, have felt and expressed (C) only irritation or dissapointment instead of anger. Anger is usually a less desirable reaction because it is so often followed by saying or doing something stupid, something which you would not usually do if you could help it.
REBT shows you how to change your irrationally demanding, absolutistic B's into rational, accepting, and realistic B's, thereby reducing your tendency to become unnecessarily emotionaly upset.
The REBT therapist and/or literature will teach you how to discover, challenge, and overcome the irrational and self-defeating beliefs and thinking which makes you feel depressed, anxious, angry, ashamed, inferior, jealous or that makes you think that you have to rely on alcohol, drugs, or engaging in other kinds of self-destructive behaviors in order to cope with the situations which occur in the course of your life.
In Beat Your Addiction we explain the ABC's of how your feelings are created. It is, simply stated (it's easy because it is simple), A is the Activating event, the stimulus, what happens to you. B is your Belief about A, what you think and tell or say to yourself privately in your mind when A occurs. C includes the emotional and behavioral Consequences of telling yourself B about A. People typically think that A causes C as in "I'm angry at you because you lied to me". But actually A is only an indirect cause of C. B is the direct cause. In this case, B would be something like "You shouldn't have lied to me!" or, "You had no right to lie to me!" If instead, the B I had told myself would have been something like, "I wish you wouldn't have lied to me," or, "It would have been nice (or, "It would have been better..." or, "I would have liked it...") if you had told me the truth", I would, have felt and expressed (C) only irritation or dissapointment instead of anger. Anger is usually a less desirable reaction because it is so often followed by saying or doing something stupid, something which you would not usually do if you could help it.
REBT shows you how to change your irrationally demanding, absolutistic B's into rational, accepting, and realistic B's, thereby reducing your tendency to become unnecessarily emotionaly upset.
Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
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Sometimes the concept on the way we think about things affects how we feel emotionally. And Cognitive Behavioral therapy can be employed in any situation which there is a pattern of unwanted behavior accompanied by distress and impairment. This therapy focuses on present thinking, behavior and communication rather than on past experiences and is oriented in problem solving.
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